This BLOG has only one purpose, The Removal of Judge Jack Halpin from the Bench.
This is a new post on an OLD topic, Shasta County Family Law Judge, Jack Halpin. We do this in order to gain and share perspective on the abuse of authority, bias, failure to ensure rights, inability to perform judicial duties, incapacity, among other failures in the family court in Shasta County.
It is our goal to have him legally removed prior to his eventual death. The removal prior to his death would send a signal to other aged judges. Longevity on the bench lends itself to prominence, power and a following in the legal community. Judges begin to see all those around them leave or die as they age. The oldest of those who remain on the bench begin to believe they hold special rights and have seen "everything" before. Each of us face our own mortality. Unfortunately Judge Halpin is unable to do so without causing irreparable damage to the citizens of Shasta County. He is either aware of this destruction, or has become incapacitated to the level of being demented.
Improper decisions based, not upon the law, but upon the judges "gut feelings," political connections, business connections and opinions of attorneys who practice in the family court have become the standard. Lawyers practicing in the court of Judge Halpin find themselves unable to know how to actually argue a case. The issues related to successfully arguing a case have nothing to do with the law. Motions filed with the court are argued as "emotions" and should be renamed as such.
The Family Law Court is too important to allow Judge Halpin to remain. Too often families find themselves in front of Judge Halpin, only to find that their rights not just violated, but entirely taken away. Judge Halpin abuses Temporary Restraining Orders(TRO's) to inflict his own "shooting from the hip" justice. No hearing is provided, only short irrelevant stares.
The oddities and impact of Judge Halpin's decisions are not un-noticed by the legal community. The Shasta County Bar would love to see Judge Halpin removed.
Step one of this process is to gain accounts of Judge Halpin's flawed obscure behavior.
As with any sick person, we want them to receive the assistance we ourselves would want. We see Judge Halpin as suffering from illnesses that harm others and himself. A desire to advocate the removal of Judge Halpin comes with a responsibility to see to it that he receives care afterward. No harm is intended nor encouraged in any way against Judge Halpin. We actually seek the opposite, Judge Halpin's removal prior to his inevitable death, as a means of serving and restoring justice; as well as aiding him with what some have called "dementia."
If you have experience with Judge Halpin, attorney or other accounts from his court, please relate them in a succinct, honest and respectful manner. Removing Judge Halpin will require the notification of the local Bar Association, the local presiding judge, the Administrative Office of the Courts, Judicial Performance Commission, Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, the Judicial Council(Executive and Planning Committee) , the Legislature, the Governor, the Alliance of California Judges, State and Federal politicians and other concerned interested parties.
Help make a difference in the lives of many who may find themselves victims of Judge Halpin's unconstitutional, irrational and bizarre behavior. Families like ours have the ability to pass on some experiences that anyone would find confusing, cruel, unpredictable, corrupt, uncaring, self serving, crony-ism, pre-judged, baffling and more. The damage bring done by Judge Halpin far exceeds any value he may have provided during his long career. Like a caring adult child, we need to forcefully decide for him, it is time for Judge Halpin to go.
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